The ATEL Foundation takes your right to privacy very seriously. As such, when we collect information from you through our online inquiry and contact forms, it is done with the sole intention of facilitating your communications with the ATEL Foundation.
When you provide your personal information to us (such as your name, address, and email address), we will not distribute, provide, or sell your individual information to an outside company or other organization. We will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. It will be used only to facilitate and support communication between your organization and the ATEL Foundation.
Our intent in any email correspondence is to (1) provide information that will enhance your experience as a grantee, and (2) include only those individuals who have chosen to receive such emails. At any time you have the right to ‘opt out’ of receiving future communications.
The above-stated policy is built around practices considered “industry-standard”. We will continue to review our position and make revisions as they become necessary to protect your right to privacy.